
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tams, Shopping and Little Sleep (A fiber and doggie post)

No pony ride for me today.  Nana has been up since midnight with a nasty case of diarrhea.  I thought things were going so well, until the mystery of yesterday.  I have no idea what she might have gotten into.  I watch her like a hawk these days.  You wouldn't know she felt bad, she roared around the dog park this morning, attacked my pant leg, ate well but still seems to have a nasty gut, though it seems to be slowing down and the next couple of days will be key.

So, I find myself puttering around at home, having been up since 4:30 this morning and given up on getting any more sleep I cruised the KnitPicks site moving the sample colors in the Palette yarn line around to try and find an adequate replacement for the color Mustard which will be going bye-bye.  Brass Heather looked like a possible replacement at $3 something a skein.  I am still working on solving the problem of a soon to be discontinued color in my Summer Dragonfly Tam.  $56.00 later and several hours (not all staring at the KnitPicks website) my purchase was complete.  Obviously I should not shop while sleep deprived.  All resolve goes down the drain, but I had to have those size 8 interchangeable needles or a current project would never be finished.  The only size 8 I have are 16 inch circulars and they will never hold the approx 175 stitches I plan to pick up and knit, not even if I jammed them on there.  Things are getting a little disorganized around here so the project bag was a must.  By then it was all down hill.  I've been looking at the Knitting Math software for some time and there I was just $14.00 dollars short of free shipping, I mean really, what's a girl to do.  So I bought the software!  Of course there were a few piddling other things, like the magnetic thingies that hold your place on a chart, a finger strand thingy, all very necessary I assure you. 

I also managed to get the next chart done for the winter tam and can begin knitting that while I wait for my order from KnitPicks to arrive.  In the meantime I have posted a big note on my Computer:


We will see how long that lasts.

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