
Friday, June 19, 2015

Not Gun Control - We Need White Male Control

I first wrote piece in December 16, 2012 after another mass shooting.  It is partially tongue in cheek but also serious.  We are a violent culture. Until we stop idolizing violence in our movies, in our television, stop accepting radio shows of hate mongering, yes Rush Limbaugh I mean  you, until we can stop thinking in extremes and start looking for places of commonality, for agreement we will continue to be a violent mentally ill society.

We don't need gun control we need white male control.  Each and every male between the ages of 12 and 30 should be registered and controlled.  They should not be allowed to move freely in society.  Guns are inanimate objects, they don't walk into schools, theaters or malls by themselves, they are innocent victims of the real perpetrators - the white male. Might as well demand underwear control.  Okay, guns have a greater potential for harm, but in our society guns are easy to get.   Now I understand there are white males without this violent tendency, but they are an inherent danger to society because of their potential.  In an effort to eliminate the danger to society, we should control all young white males.  Just as the gun control crowd argue for control of all guns even though many guns will never be held by violent people or used to harm people, these arguments are far better directed at the white male.  We need to have White Male Control NOW!!  They should not be allowed in society except in a controlled manner and only allowed to be with people that have passed a background check and have not been found guilty of a felony. The following excerpt from Mother Jones news should help clarify what's at stake and why we need to get white males off the street.  

From Mother Jones news:

Weapons: Of the 139 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally. The arsenal included dozens of assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns. (See charts below.) Just as Jeffrey Weise used a .40-caliber Glock to massacre students in Red Lake, Minnesota, in 2005, so too did James Holmes (along with anAR-15 assault rifle) when blasting away at his victims in a darkened movie theater.
The killers: Just under half of the cases involved school or workplace shootings (11 and 19, respectively); the other 31 cases took place in locations including shopping malls, restaurants, government buildings, and military bases. Forty three of the killers were white males. Only one of them was a woman. (See Goleta, Calif., in 2006.) 

Once again our country has had a mass shooting and the lack of gun control is once again being screamed from the roof tops.  I wish it were that easy or that simple.  Mental illness and yes these shooters were mentally ill  were expressing their pain in a cultural context.  There is enough evidence that mental illness is culturally expressed.  The Inuit and the Navajo both have particular expressions of mental illness that you will not see in other cultures.  While the major psychiatric disorders described in current nosology can be found among the Inuit of Northern Québec (Nunavik), there are important cultural influences on the symptomatology, social response and course of these disorders.  Sante Ment Que 1993 Spring; 18 (1): 53-70    The importance of cultural influences on symptomology and course of the disorder is not isolated to the Inuit of Northern Quebec.  Every society has unique expressions of mental illness.  Our cultural is violent and the expression of its pain is violent.  We make heroes of shooters, we have television shows that glorify violence as a way to solve problems.  We are war mongers.  The bigger, the badder the boom the more we like it.  Our media loves a good tragedy - we don't have journalists any more we have the employees of the Enquirer  masquerading as news reporters on every station. It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? attributed to Morgan Freeman (from Facebook).

We love a sound bite, we have lost courtesy and respect.  We don't want thoughtful discourse we just want to verbally bully others into accepting our point of view.  We don't want facts, we want emotional sensationalism - the recent presidential election should be example enough for this.  

Getting guns off the street won't solve this most recent heinous event.  We need a change that is much deeper.  But as long as we have a cult of celebrity and shooting people is a way to rocket to the top of the celebrity list we will continue to have mental illness expressed in the violent cultural context of killing others in public places.

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