I've spent the last two years taking care of my dad in Sonora. Last October he moved into full time memory care close to where I and my girls live. I closed out his house and while there is still a lot of paperwork and things that need my oversight, his direct care is no longer mine to manage. It is time to figure out what I want to do.
I have spent the last year in the mind game question of: "Do I buy or do I rent?" Living in this condo was always meant to be a temporary thing that stretched out far longer than I imagined it would. I've looked at houses and houses and condos and more houses, none of them have made my heart sing. I have a fantasy of renting my way around the world. I don't want a two week vacation. I want to go and live somewhere for three months or maybe a year. I want the experience of exploring new places. I want to know what it is like to live for a time on the Isle of Skye, Whidby Island, the Isle of Mann, Portugal and many more places. I no longer want to be tied to a place, it is beginning to feel trapped, closed in and uncomfortable. It may explain why I have an entire board on Pinterest devoted to narrowboats and gypsy caravans. But I have too much stuff. In addition, my stuff and I have not lived under one roof for over eight years. It's time to consolidate and begin the process of becoming unencumbered. I am going to rent a house and sell the condo I live in. Renting a house will put me closer to the things I want: a yard for my dog, a garden, space for fiber art and a safer neighborhood.
I haven't rented since my mid twenties - it is very scary since I am a nester and like the security of owning. But I want to channel my inner wanderer, but on my terms. Step one is to change where I live, move all my stuff to one place and begin the winnowing process from under a single roof. When you are focused on the needs of others, my dad for instance, it is hard to know what it is that you value.You drift without a great deal of focus taking care of one problem or crisis at a time. You indulge in retail therapy (or at least I do), You look for distractions from your life rather than creating a life you want. I may not be going about it in the right way but my mistakes will teach me more than my successes ever will.
To every age there is a season and mine is the season of change.
PS This move will still have me within one minute of my dad's memory care unit. I haven't lost all sense of duty.
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