
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Enforced Creativity or Why I'm Not Driving Two Days a Week

Well, to quote an old family motto:  "It seemed like a good idea at the time."  This particular motto in its current incarnation refers to my having leased a car with a 15,000 mile a year limit.  The only problem is that everywhere I go on a daily basis is 40 miles round trip.  This includes the barn, down the hill, up the hill, over the hill, etc.  I could easily do 60 to 80 miles a day.  A 15,000 annual limit means I can only drive about 40 miles on a daily basis, like too many calories it is really going to cost you if your over quota.  Trust me, over quota you do not want to be.  Sooooo....... I now calendar two days a week that I do not drive.  Madam is at home.   Of course the problem with this is I am really accustomed to distracting myself by "going somewhere" so I don't have to do the really boring stuff like clean the toilet.  Suddenly being at home means being present to the toilet, which is probably not what Zen Masters mean when they talk about being present.  Nonetheless.....  I am now self scheduled to be home two days a week.  Oddly, this is beginning to have some very interesting benefits besides a clean toilet.  There are many things I love to do for which I have not had time: fiber, my photography, reading, this blog, etc.  Suddenly with my driving curbed I am discovering time I didn't think I had.  Gee, I am having a young grasshopper epiphany here.  I have managed to finish the knitting on one sweater, started a knitted baby shower gift, started reading from my personal library, and even wrote this, not to mention it has got to be better for the environment if I'm driving less. 

Necessity really is the mother of invention and apparently some personal creativity.  I could get used to this though I have to tell you it isn't easy, self restraint never is. 

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