
Monday, May 24, 2010

Birthdays and Diamond Spiders

My youngest daughter turned 23 on Saturday.  Like every parent it seems to me like she was only 2 years old yesterday. 

Two birthdays, 21 years apart. 

Where did the time go and what a ride.  It is such a mystery knowing how they will grow up and what they will think is important and worth doing.  When Em was about 9 we went to Brugge to witness the wedding of her cousin, Norm Jr (as opposed to Norm Sr.);  and it was at the wedding reception that  Em found her role model.  Not Mother Teresa, not the Dali Lama, not Ghandi....noooooo she sat at a table with a loud, impossibly blonde woman in a pale pink suit with the largest diamond spider I have ever seen crawling up her shoulder.  That woman has been Em's goal ever since.  You may not be able to tell but in that rose flower on her shoulder is a large diamond spider given to Em by "fedora" Katie on her 23rd birthday and worn with great feeling by Em all evening. 

What a child and what will she think of next?

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