
Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Happened to Good Writing?

Whatever happened to good writing? And I don’t mean knowing where to place a comma or a period. Jane Austin apparently was dreadful at it, but she had a fabulous grasp of character, plot and story development. I have a Kindle, and I love my Kindle because of its ability to store several books for me to read without the weight of the actual tome. Most of the books I get are free which probably explains the quality of what I am getting. But I am sure tired of porn billed as a story. I wish the publisher notes were more honest, something on the lines of:

Bored woman of an uncertain age who has decided she can write, borrows her husband porn collection and writes pages of sex loosely strung together by a plot line that is the usual contrivance of hot male Vampire meets teenage looking female vampire and neither one can keep their hands off one another as they look for and kill the evil Werewolf. You will want to read this hot romance because you too are bored, shallow and are secretly a voyeur regarding other people’s sex lives.

Had it been an accurate description, I would have passed. I found myself forwarding through the sex scenes out of sheer boredom. IF I had to read one more sentence with “his throbbing dick….” I was going to throw something. I wanted character, plot, and suspense – ok….I wanted Harry Potter type writing for free. I don’t know about you, but I really didn’t need it graphically shown to me that Rhett Butler had more than proved his abilities to Scarlet O’Hara's satisfaction after he lost his temper, carried her upstairs and the next scene in the movie is the morning after and there she is in bed, a happy little lady with a perky disposition and a smile on her face. Go Rhett!

Being able to put gas in your car doesn’t make you a mechanic, nor does knowing where a comma goes make you a writer. There are plenty of great books for free that can be downloaded to the Kindle – Jane Austin included – I need to quit expecting good modern writing for free and revisit some of the great authors of yesterday.


  1. Oh, sigh.
    Can I tell you how many times I've said this? I am a pull the curtain and show me the next morning person big time. I skip sex scenes. They don't just bore me, half the time they gross me out. I want to be in love with the characters, NOT intimate with them. Seriously, the weirder and more graphic it is the better it "sells" right now.
    All Romance Ebooks had a contest and my short story made the finals, in the end, they put all the stories into three anthologies, one was "hot" one was "hot m/m" and I ended up in the "not so hot" one. IE: no sex folks.
    Guess how ours got reviewed on Goodreads? Not so great. The least enjoyable of the lot...and "where's the sex"

    I'm not kidding. Frustrating. Trust me.
    Frances Pauli

  2. I have really thought about your comment and realized that it was a "blog" response. So....give me a couple of days.
