
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Have Way Too Many Clothes

I have way too many clothes.  One of the benefits of being single is you get to have ALL of the closet space.  Unfortunately, I can't even remember what I own.  Yesterday in a fit of organizational madness (very short lived I might add) I started to put all the white shirts together, all the black shirts, etc.  Holy Crap, how many white or black shirts does an individual need?  Apparently, I believe that anything less than half a closet is too few.  I thought I had all the black pieces together when I opened the closet this morning and started the "what am I going to wear today" debate with myself.  And low and behold there is a hanger with this black garment on it.  Where did that come from?   I know it wasn't there yesterday....hmmmmm  Oh....I recognized it all right, this lovely hemp/silk, sheath, black, perfect for summer dress.  I slipped that babee over my head and presto dressed for the day.  I'm sure it wasn't there yesterday and my only explanation is the closet fairies have been at it again, removing and putting back clothes on a whim. 

You might wonder just how much I spend on clothes given the crammed nature of my closet that requires closet fairies to remove and put things back so it will all fit (the closet of infinite holding).  Actually, not that much and rarely retail.  Most of my clothes are courtesy of my sister's shopping acumen.  My sister should be everyone's personal shopper.  She can look at you and forever know what your size is and whether something hanging on the rack at the goodwill with the tags still on it will fit you or not.  Yes, many of my clothes come from thrift stores or the San Antonio Jr. League Rummage Sale.  My sister is a guerrilla trained shopping queen. Three years ago she picked up this beautiful, long sleeve, boat necked, full length, simple but elegant, cashmere dress that fits me perfectly for $5.00 at the Jr. League Rummage sale.  The little ladies that run the cash register started to question it's $6.00 price when my sister looked at them and snarled "This is for my sister, SHE has breast cancer"....."Oh well, in that case you can have a dollar off the price dear".  My sister walked away with her shopping trophy and I had a new dress.  Never mess with a Shopping Queen.

So, if you need someone to do your clothes shopping, my sister is your girl.  In the mean time, I just have to learn to throw stuff away or get a bigger closet, but what fun would that be and the closet fairies would have nothing to do.

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